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About Eid-ul-Azha 2009  

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Four thousand years ago, the valley of Mecca was a dry and uninhabited place. According to Islamic history, the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was instructed to bring Hajar and their child Ismael to Arabia from the land of Canaan by God's command.
As Ibrahim made ready to return to the land of Canaan, Hajar asked him, "Who ordered you to leave us here"? When Ibrahim replied: "Allah"(God), Hajar said, "then Allah will not forget us; you can go". Although Ibrahim had left a large quantity of food and water with Hajar and Ismael, the supplies quickly ran out and within a few days the two were suffering from hunger and dehydration.
According to the story, a desperate Hajar ran up and down between two hills called Safa and Marwa seven times, trying to find water. Finally, she collapsed beside her baby Ismael and prayed to Allah for deliverance. Ismael struck his foot on the ground, causing a spring of water to gush forth from the earth. Other accounts have the angel Jibral (Gabriel) striking the earth and causing the spring to flow. With this secure water supply, they were not only able to provide for their own needs, but were also able to trade water with passing nomads for food and supplies. When the Prophet Ibrahim returned from Canaan to check on his family, he was amazed to see them running a profitable well.
The Prophet Ibrahim was told by God to build a shrine dedicated to him adjacent to Hajar's well (the Zamzam Well). Ibrahim and Ismaelconstructed a small stone structure–-the Kaaba--which was to be the gathering place for all who wished to strengthen their faith in Allah. As the years passed, Ismael was blessed with Prophethood and gave the nomads of the desert his message of surrender to Allah. After many centuries, Mecca became a thriving city and a major center for trade, thanks to its reliable water source, the well of Zamzam.
One of the main trials of Prophet Ibrahim's life was to face the command of Allah to devote his dearest possession, his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah's's will. During this preparation, when Satan tempted Prophet Ibrahim and his family, Hajar and Ismael drove Satan away by throwing pebbles at him. To remember this rejection of Satan, stones are thrown during Hajj.
At the time of sacrifice, Ibrahim discovered a sheep died instead of Ismail, whom he hacked through neck. When Ibrahim was fully prepared to complete the sacrifice, Allah revealed to him that his "sacrifice" had already been fulfilled. Ibrahim had shown that his love for his Lord superseded all others: that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dear to him in order to submit to God. Muslims commemorate this superior act of sacrifice during Eid al-Adha.

[]The Hijrah

No longer safe in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad, in the year 628 traveled to Medina (lit. the city) with 1400 of his followers. This is considered as the first 'pilgrimage' in Islam, seeking to re-establish the religious traditions of the Prophet Ibrahim, as he believed they were originally practiced. [4]

[]The Takbir and other Rituals

The Takbir is recited from the dawn of the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah to the thirteenth of it. The Takbir consists of:
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbarالله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
laa ilaaha illAllaahلا إله إلا الله
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbarالله أكبر الله أكبر
wa li-illaahil-hamdولله الحمد
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest,
There is no deity but Allah
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
and to Allah goes all praise
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbarالله أكبر الله أكبر
laa ilaaha illAllaahلا إله إلا الله
wAllaahu akbar, Allaahu akbarوالله أكبر الله أكبر
wa li-illaahil-hamdولله الحمد
alhamdulillaah `alaa maa hadaanaa, wa lahul-shukru `ala maa awlaanaaالحمدلله على ما هدانا و له الشكر على ما اولانا
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest,
There is no deity but Allah
and Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
and to Allah goes all praise, (We) sing the praises of Allah because He has shown us the Right Path. (We) gratefully thank Him because He takes care of us and looks after our interests.[5]
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbarالله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
laa ilaaha illAllaahلا إله إلا الله
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbarالله أكبر الله أكبر
wa li-illaahil-hamdولله الحمد
Allaahu akbar kabeera wal hamdu lillahi katheera wa sobhana allahi bokratan wa aseelaالله أكبر كبيرا والحمد لله كثيرا وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا
laa ilaaha illAllaahلا إله إلا الله
Wahdah sadaqa wa'dah wa nasara abdah wa a'aza jondahu wa hazama al-ahzaba wahdahوحده صدق وعده ونصر عبده وأعز جنده وهزم الأحزاب وحده
laa ilaaha illAllaahلا إله إلا الله
wala na'bodu illa iyah mokhliseen lahu aldeena wa law kariha al kafiroonولا نعبد إلا إياه مخلصين له الدين ولو كره الكافرون
allahomma salli ala sayyidina mohammad wa ala sayyidina mohammad wa ala aal sayyidina mohammad wa ala ashabi sayyidina mohammad wa ala ansari sayyidina mohammad wa ala azwaji sayyidina mohammad wa ala zoriyyati sayyidina mohammadin wa sallim taslimann katheeraاللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد وعلى أصحاب سيدنا محمد وعلى أنصار سيدنا محمد وعلى أزواج سيدنا محمد وعلى ذرية سيدنا محمد وسلم تسليما كثيرا
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest,
There is no deity but Allah
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
and to Allah goes all praise
Allah is the Greatest, all Praise is due to Him, And Glory to Allah, eventide and in the morning
There is no god, but Allah the Unique, He has fulfilled His Promise, and made Victorious His worshipper, and made Mighty His soldiers and defeated the confederates
There is no deity but Allah
He alone we worship, with sincere and exclusive devotion, even though the infidels hate it
O Allah, have Mercy on our Prophet Muhammad, and on the family of our Prophet Muhammad, and on the companions of our Prophet Muhammad, and on the helpers of our Prophet Muhammad, and on the wives of our Prophet Muhammad, and on the offspring of our Prophet Muhammad, and Bestow upon them much peace

[]Traditions and practices

Men, women, and children are expected to dress in their finest clothing to perform Eid prayer (ṣalātu l-`Īdi) in a large congregation in an open area or mosque. Muslims who can afford to do so sacrifice their best domestic animals (usually sheep, but also camels, cows and goats) as a symbol of Ibrahim's sacrifice. The sacrificed animals, called uḍiyyah (Arabicأضحية‎, also known as "al-qurbāni"), have to meet certain age and quality standards or else the animal is considered an unacceptable sacrifice. Generally, sacrificial animals must be at least one year of age.
The regular charitable practices of the Muslim community are demonstrated during Eid al-Adha by the concerted effort to see that no impoverished person is left without sacrificial food during these days.
During Eid al-Adha, distributing meat amongst the people, chanting Takbir out loud before the Eid prayer on the first day, and after prayers throughout the four days of Eid are considered essential parts of the festival. (See Takbir in "Traditions and practices" of Eid el-Fitr.) In some countries, families that do not own livestock can make a contribution to a charity that will provide meat to those who are in need.

[]Eid al-Adha in the Gregorian calendar

While Eid al-Adha is always on the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date on the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. The lunar calendar is approximately eleven days shorter than the solar calendar. Each year, Eid al-Adha (like other Islamic holidays) falls on one of two different Gregorian dates in different parts of the world, due to the fact that the boundary of crescent visibility is different from the International date line.
The following list shows the official dates of Eid al-Adha for Saudi Arabia as announced by the Supreme Judicial Council. Future dates are calculated according to the Umm al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia.[6] The three days after the listed date are also part of the festival. The time before the listed date the pilgrims visit the Mount Arafat and descend from it after sunrise of the listed day. Future dates of Eid al-Adha might face correction 10 days before the festivity, in case of deviant lunar sighting in Saudi Arabia for the start of the month Dhul Hijja.
  • 1400 (Islamic Calendar): October 17, 1980
  • 1401 (Islamic Calendar): October 6, 1981
  • 1402 (Islamic Calendar): September 26, 1982
  • 1403 (Islamic Calendar): September 15, 1983
  • 1404 (Islamic Calendar): September 4, 1984
  • 1405 (Islamic Calendar): August 24, 1985
  • 1406 (Islamic Calendar): August 14, 1986
  • 1407 (Islamic Calendar): August 3, 1987
  • 1408 (Islamic Calendar): July 23, 1988
  • 1409 (Islamic Calendar): July 12, 1989
  • 1410 (Islamic Calendar): July 2, 1990
  • 1411 (Islamic Calendar): June 21, 1991
  • 1412 (Islamic Calendar): June 10, 1992
  • 1413 (Islamic Calendar): May 30, 1993
  • 1414 (Islamic Calendar): May 20, 1994
  • 1415 (Islamic Calendar): May 9, 1995
  • 1416 (Islamic Calendar): April 28, 1996
  • 1417 (Islamic Calendar): April 17, 1997
  • 1418 (Islamic Calendar): April 7, 1998
  • 1419 (Islamic Calendar): March 27, 1999
  • 1420 (Islamic Calendar): March 16, 2000
  • 1421 (Islamic Calendar): March 5, 2001
  • 1422 (Islamic Calendar): February 22, 2002
  • 1423 (Islamic Calendar): February 11, 2003
  • 1424 (Islamic Calendar): February 1, 2004
  • 1425 (Islamic Calendar): January 20, 2005 announced (calculated date: January 21, 2005)
  • 1426 (Islamic Calendar): January 10, 2006 announced (calculated date: same)
  • 1427 (Islamic Calendar): December 30, 2006 announced (calculated date: December 31, 2006)
  • 1428 (Islamic Calendar): December 19, 2007 announced (calculated date: December 20, 2007)
  • 1429 (Islamic Calendar): December 8, 2008 announced (calculated date: same)
  • 1430 (Islamic Calendar): November 27, 2009 announced (calculated date: same)
  • 1431 (Islamic Calendar): November 16, 2010 (calculated)
  • 1432 (Islamic Calendar): November 6, 2011 (calculated)
  • 1433 (Islamic Calendar): October 26, 2012 (calculated)
  • 1434 (Islamic Calendar): October 15, 2013 (calculated)
  • 1435 (Islamic Calendar): October 4, 2014 (calculated)
  • 1436 (Islamic Calendar): September 23, 2015 (calculated)
  • 1437 (Islamic Calendar): September 11, 2016 (calculated)
  • 1438 (Islamic Calendar): September 1, 2017 (calculated)
  • 1439 (Islamic Calendar): August 21, 2018 (calculated)
  • 1440 (Islamic Calendar): August 11, 2019 (calculated)
  • 1441 (Islamic Calendar): July 31, 2020 (calculated)
  • 1442 (Islamic Calendar): July 23, 2021 (calculated)

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Eid-ul-Azha 2009  

Eid al-Adha (Arabicعيد الأضحى‎ ‘Īdu l-’Aḍḥā) "Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid" is a holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. It is also celebrated by the Druze, an esoteric quasi-Islamic faith, whose origins stem from Shia Islam.
Eid al-Adha is the latter of two Eid festivals celebrated by Muslims, whose basis comes from the Quran.[1] Like Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha begins with a short prayer followed by a sermon (khuṭba).
Eid al-Adha annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja (ذو الحجة) of the lunar Islamic calendar. The festivities last for three days or more depending on the country. Eid al-Adha occurs the day after the pilgrims conducting Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. It happens to be approximately 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan

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kal collage band hojaega  

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

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Monday, November 16, 2009

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Dosti ...........................  


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Tarique& Danish  

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

  1. my child to raise over again
    I'd build self-esteem first and the house later
    I'd finger paint more and point the finger less
    I would do less correcting and more connecting
    I'd take my eyes off my watch and watch with my eyes
    I would care to know less and know to care more
    I'd take more hikes and fly more kites
    I'd stop playing serious and seriously play
    I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars
    I'd do more hugging and less tugging
    I'd see the oak tree in the acorn more often
    I would be firm less often and affirm much more
    I'd model less about the love of power
    And more about the power of loveIf I had 

I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring.  ~Liz Armbruster, on

A characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very often.  ~Author Unknown

We've had bad luck with our kids - they've all grown up.  ~Christopher Morley

A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer.  ~Author Unknown

Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it.  ~Harold Hulbert

Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music.  ~William Stafford

The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives.  ~Robert Brault,

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The Punjab Cricket Association Stadium (commonly known as the Mohali Cricket Stadium) in Mohali, is widely regarded as the best cricket ground in India, for having excellent practice facilities and a spectator-friendly environment. The venue has undergone an astounding metamorphosis from a filthy swamp to a swanky stadium with world-class amenities. The stadium was inaugurated with a one-day international (ODI) match between India and South Africa during the Hero Cup on 22 November 1993. In a country like India, known for its spinner-friendly wicket, the Mohali stadium gained reputation for its lively pitch and seamer-friendly conditions. Read on to know more about Mohali cricket stadium.

Mohali stadium is located on the outskirts of Chandigarh City, Punjab. It is the second largest cricket ground in India, with a seating capacity of 45000 spectators. The lush green outfields and picturesque beauty surrounding it make the ground spectator-friendly. The ground has witnessed some nerve-racking ODIs, the most thrilling being the World Cup semi-final in 1996 between Australia and West Indies. Home to the Punjab cricket team, the stadium has been approved as the second largest international cricket stadium by BCCI in Bhatinda, Punjab. The light pillars of the ground are very low in height, because there is an airport nearby.

The first Test at Mohali Stadium was played in December 1994, when India played against West Indies. The misty December morning in 1994 is unforgettable for the cricket buffs. It was the time, when West Indies pace bowlers Courtney Walsh and Kenny Benjamin terrorized the Indian batting line up, which led to the incredible win for the guest team. Since the spectacular win, the grass on the wicket of the ground may have become scarcer and it may have been relatively slower too. However, the morning sessions of matches played at the ground have been always favorable for the pace bowlers. 

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Sanaullah Shaan  

Monday, November 9, 2009

about me:
Khud Apni Pehchaan Se Anjaan Hoon Main,
Apna Tarruf Aapse Karwaoon Kaise...

Kuch Simti Hui Chhoti Si Duniya Hai Meri,
Iss Dil Ki Gehraiyon Mein Aapko Le Jaoon Kaise..

Aasman Ki Uchaiyon Tak Mere Khwab Bikhre Hain,
Apne Armaano Ki Hadd Main Dikhaoon Kaise..

Muskurana Meri Aadat Hai Aansuon Ko Chhupa Kar,
Par Har Gham Ko Apni Hassi Se Behlaoon Kaise..

Dosti Hi Meri Chahat Hai Aur Dost Meri Zindagi,
Ishq Se Apni Berukhi Ka Sabab Bataoon Kaise..

Hokar Meri Sarhadon Mein Shamil
Aap Hi Jaan Lo Mujhe,
Kisi Aur Tarha Aapko TANUJA Se Milwaoon Kaise……!!!
January 27
D.B.G/New Delhi, New Delhi

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

·         Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship.
·         A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. For if not, they weren't true friends in the first place. ---Sandy Ratliff
·         Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache; do be my enemy — for friendship's sake. ------ William Blake
·         There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity.
·         Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
·         Give me one friend, just one, who meets The needs of all my varying moods. ---Esther M. Clark
·         Silence is the true friend that never betrays.---Confucious
·         Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache; do be my enemy - for friendship's sake. ----William Blake.
·         I keep my friends as misers do their treasure, because, of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship.--- Pietro Aretino (1537)
·         Leave someone for something. Never leave someone for something, because in life something will leave, but someone will always be with you.

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·         Dosti ka matlab...
D=door rehkar bhi jo paas ho.
O=ouro se zyada khaas ho.
S=sabse pyara jiska ehsaas ho.
T=takdir ko jiski talaash ho.
I=is zindagi ki aas ho.

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1.Tauseef Bhae
2.Basarat Bhae
3.faizan Bhae
4.Danish Bhae
5.Shamshi Bhae

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Azra Nadim  

. DATE  OF BIRTH .. 20th  Nov 2005
 she is 4&half year old and she reads NURAENI QAEDA   .she belong from Narayanpur  Darbhanga (BIHAR).

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